Our forum comes with a Member’s Area, which you can use to get to know each other and personalize your profile pages. Currently, only Members can add new posts, write comments, and like posts.
When you sign up as a member, you can join conversations, follow posts, upload media, leave comments, and be notified of any new activity in discussions you’re following. Forums are a great way to engage in all types of discussions. Post relevant information to encourage engagement and collaboration. With full freedom to edit posts and add stunning media, international collaboration has never been easier. To get the conversation started, you can add new posts, edit them and use categories to organize them by topic. Ask Anything and be active in responding as well!
You can also join our Professional Community Hub here by adding your contact details which will become visible on our website right away for you to network with colleagues around the world within the framework of
Virtual Exchange and COIL initiatives,
TEFL and EPIC (English for Purposes of International Communication),
EMI (disciplinary courses taught in English as a Medium of Instruction),
AI in Education and more.
We look forward to connecting with you! Join the hub for free now!